Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, April 23


Miercoles ,

Another beautiful sunny morning greeted us as we headed out towork. The wind has abated and ceased ripping the roof of the Amanecer. Anita, roger, and the girls painted the audio-visual room a thn coating of teal green while Dave, Jose and Daniel wire-brushed graffiti from the ban/o doors. Dave reported that he and Harold had a nice talk in a combo of espan/ol and anglais while on a trip to the hardware store to buy supplies,

My day was delightful, filled with many laughs and language mix-ups. There was on-going pricing and shelving of the products. The highlight was when lady called on her to translate for a customer. Leidy decided she wanted to learn more. English so then was a practice session after lunch.

After work Ferin drove us to the Monteverde Reserve. On the way, se stopped at Rio Shanti, a sweet little cottage-type shop where Nia’s jwelry is displayed. We also learned it was the oldest house in Mv.

We then walked the beautiful cloud forest trails. We spied toucanettes, several capuccins and a pair of balck guans. Roger barely escaped being bombarded by a black guan, much to our amusement and his obliviousness. We think the guan continued stalking him as we headed down the trail.

Near the entrance to MV was the Hummingbird gallery. The birds were brilliant and busy at the feeders so we watched for a while. They were all mesmerizing.

After a taxi back to the Amanecer and a lovely send-off dinner of chips, guacamole, salsa and rice-chicken we went bar-hopping. Actually we only made it to one bar, that seemed quite sufficient.

It seems today we more then the usually hilarious moments, from Anita’s dog story , her journal remarks, Roger’s close call and Dave curiosity about the well-being of the pigs. Maybe our saying for the day could be “laughter always lightens the load”.

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