Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday April 27th,2010

The morning was fine and cool without rain. After pancakes for breakfast we went to work and started painting the table legs white, as Rita wanted. The windows needed cleaning so I scraped the splatter off, and cleaned most of them with a solution of water and vinegar. The kids were back in school and we had the usual hustle and bustle and screaming. We missed them on Monday.

The classroom cleanup is progressing. The tables looked great with their new Formica top, and Anna suggested that we use some of the yellow paint to paint around the wood. We started that and put the first coat on. The yellow brought out the white on the table legs, and they looked really good. After another good lunch we continued to work inside, as there was another heavy poor down.

The table the men constructed turned out very need even thought they cut the legs too short, but Rita insisted that they make the top higher for bigger kids. I sat on the floor to scrape some left over glue but Miguel had a better way. He poured some solution on the tiles and danced over the glue with an abrasive pad. So, I cleaned more windows. The progress is amazing. Forgot what we had for dinner, but all the food is good.

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